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Management and dissemination

  1. Strategic Coordination Meetings and project reporting: meetings between MLU, IKIAM, and INABIO, supported by go-to-meeting sessions (preparation of the excursion, workshops, guest lecturing, study missions, summer school and reporting for DAAD), kick-off: online in October 2019, vis-à-vis during excursion in Nov./Dec. 2019, mid-term meeting during workshops/mutual exchange in 2020 and final vis-à-vis meeting during summer school in Jan./Feb. 2021); target group(s): principal investigators and involved scientists
    Working meeting between ECU-MAES team and INABIO (PDF)
    Working meeting between ECU-MAES team and INABIO, March 2, 2020 [PDF]
    Scientific meeting between a German delegation and the Ecuadorian Ministry of Environment (PDF)
    Scientific meeting between a German delegation and the Ecuadorian Ministry of Environment, March 2, 2020 [PDF]
  2. Dissemination of research for the public: by MLU and IKIAM via INABIO network (RedBio) and connection of INABIO to the ministerial level; project homepage in English, German and Spanish; announcement in the radio in Ecuador, leaflets and reports; target group(s): Ecuadorian environmental ministry, public institutions, citizens, scientists, stakeholders
  3. Dissemination of research for science: by presentations by MLU and IKIAM at conferences and by scientific publications; target group(s): scientists and students
    Master theses (abstracts) in Ecu-MAES. (PDF)
    Master theses (abstracts) in Ecu-MAES. [PDF]
    Congratulations to ECU-MAES team on their latest publication on the Journal of PLOS ONE. (PDF)
    Congratulations to ECU-MAES team on their latest publication on the Journal of PLOS ONE. [PDF]